Hello there!
My name is Pimanus Kutragoon
For me, coding is like magic. One day, I want to use this magic to make this world a better place!
Cryptocurrency tracker build with ReactJS. It's a place to view your favorite coin's price, information, and historical chart.
- React
- Material UI
- Chat.js
- Coingecko API
Covid-19 Dashboard
This project is built during Covid-19 pandemic situation. User can view number of infected person from each country
- React
- JavaScript
Video Streaming website
This is a video streaming website similar to Netflix but there have user roles, the admin can add movies or series to the database via form then the customer can view those movies or series.
- Laravel
- Blade
Roong-Aroon student attendance
This project was used in Roong-Aroon school during the Covid-19 situation. The system can track student attendance by using a student ID card, store data on the school's database and teachers can export the data to use in the evaluation form
- Laravel
- Blade
I've worked with these Technologies in the developer world including Frontend, Backend, Programming Language, and other skills such as graphic skills.
Experience with
HTML, CSS, React.js, BladeBack-End
Experience with
PHP, Laravel, SQL, Node.js, MySQL, MariaDB, FirebaseProgramming Language
Experience with
C, C++, Java, JavaScript, PythonOthers
Experience with
Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effect, Blender
About Me
I started my journey when I was in grade 9, that was the first time I wrote my code that can show "Hello World" using C programming. Then I learn how to create a website, frontend, backend till now along with my hobby which is 3D modeling, and learn about cryptocurrency.
I wrote my first code which is C programmingą¹
Roong-Aroon school, Math-Science
Find more experience from computer camp! e.g. 2B KMUTT, Junior Webmaster Camp X, Stupid hackathon TH, etc.
King mongkuts university of technology thonburi, B.Eng in Computer Engineering, Thailand
Explore the world of Web development!